Why do you use Polystyrene boxes?

How can I recycle them?

They Love It Raw Dog Food

Last Update 2 years ago

We get asked this so often but unfortunately this is not possible as we are not allowed to reuse poly boxes that have had raw meat in. 

We use the least packaging possible but we are required to use a leak proof packaging that will keep the products frozen during transit. 

As you know, we don't use any plastic trays or wrapping etc on our products so we have got the packaging down to the absolute minimum. 

We have tried biodegradable products in the past but unfortunately the product does not arrive in good condition and in most cases has leaked and defrosted so we are stuck with the poly boxes for the time being.

Whilst it would be lovely to be able to recycle the poly boxes, when we looked into the carbon footprint from getting the boxes returned to the supplier who is able to recycle them we discovered that this would far outweigh any benefit on the environment by having them recycled.

Some of our customers donate them to their local allotments as they can be used there for planting seedlings and another customer has insulated her outside dog kennel using the boxes.

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