How long will my refund take?

They Love It Raw Dog Food

Last Update 2 years ago

If you have requested a refund rather than a credit then the refund is done immediately at our end, although it can take several days to appear back in your account. This is down to the payment processing company Barclaycard and is not within our control.

Payments are not taken by the card processing company until 24 hours after you made payment. If your order is refunded before the 24 hours have passed then it will show as payment deleted rather than payment refunded. This means it will show as pending in your account and could show this for up to a week before disappearing. 

We DO NOT/CANNOT take payment from you. Payments can only be made by you checking out and authorising this payment. If the payment has come out twice or more, this is because you have made 2 or more attempts to pay for the same order. Please let us know asap if you believe you have done this and we will cancel the duplicate payments. 

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