Why can't I get through by phone

They Love It Raw Dog Food

Last Update 2 years ago

We are a small but extremely busy company and we must all multi task. It is not possible for us to have someone just sitting answering the phone all day. 

We have put together a very informative knowledge database which will answer the majority of questions instantly without the need to speak to us. You will find this facility at the bottom left of the website entitled 'Let's Chat'. Just type in your question or any part of your question and it will provide you with all possible answers. 

If you still need to speak to us but cannot get through by phone, please email us [email protected] as these are monitored regularly and you will usually get a fast, often instant response.

We would encourage you to place your order online rather than over the phone as this is more secure. If you absolutely cannot place your order online and you cannot get through by phone please email us [email protected] and request that we call you back.

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