Why are my blocks underweight?

They Love It Raw Dog Food

Last Update 9 months ago

We sell to you in total weight, not by block weight. 

You will always receive just over the stated weight but this is the total weight. If you weigh just one block and times it by the amount of blocks then this will not give you the total weight as all blocks are hand cut and will vary in size and weight. 5kgs comes in 10 blocks. 5kgs divided by 10 = approx 500g per block, 10kgs comes in 20 blocks. 10kgs divided by 20 = approx 500g per block. REMEMBER they are hand cut and will vary in weight per individual block. Some will be under that weight, some will be over that weight but you will receive a minimum total of either 5kgs or 10kgs per box

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